Sonde de température Gecko 2 (merci de lire les notes)

Prix :134,41 €

Code de l'article : SN-GK103

Disponibilité : Retiré

Sonde de température Gecko 2 (merci de lire les notes)


Type de Produit: Sensor probe
Fabricant: Gecko Temperature: 9920-400125
Les liaisons: The probe slides in to the pocket somewhere (usually near the middle of the tub) so it is submersed in the water away from the heater. The red flat plastic 4-pin (3 wires) plug plugs straight on to the PCB.
Dimensions: Diamètre: 9 mm
Taille du câble: 2970 mm or 117 inches
Généralement Utilisé Avec: This product is in very common use with Gecko, Spa Builders and Hydroquip control boxes. Used on tubs such as Arctic Spa, Coyote Spa, Dimension One, Sunrise, Hotspot, Gulf Coast, LA Spas, Artesian Spas, Gulf Coast, Inspirations, Hydrospa, Southwest Spas and more
Notes Complémentaires: This Sensor also works with some Spa Builders and Hydroquip systems but please call if you are unsure.